Drag Across the South
An ongoing photography project focused on the art and artist of drag in the Southeast.
After working with Kam Kam in 2023, I first got the idea to photograph drag artists. Kam Kam volunteered to pose during a photography meet in April, during which I only brought a Polaroid camera and one roll of Ilford HP5 in 120. The few images I captured during this outing were ok, but Kam Kam set the wheels in motion for what I hoped would eventually become a project.
Jump forward to 2024, and I volunteered for Action Cat Zine (an indie publication based in middle Tennessee). Action Cat Zine afforded me the space and credibility to explore this project properly in a feature called Drag Across the South. In late 2024, I photographed a handful of incredible Alabama-based drag artists. Below, you will find some photographs from my shoots with Tinker Hell, Monarch, Benny Dryll, and Lucy Furr and a few images from some drag performances.